This development will:
- Especially benefit the Christian home-educating families of Northern Illinois.
- Provide an opportunity for students to grow musically, while nurturing friendships and relationships.
- Be available for not only children, but also adults who would like to participate.
- Give students the satisfaction of being presented with a challenge, working to overcome it, and experiencing the fruits of their labors.
Any guesses yet? This exciting new development is a Christian Home-school Orchestra! With approximately eight rehearsals culminating in an end-of-the-summer concert in mid-August, this is something you should consider if you would like to join other believing home-schoolers in an enterprise with the specific goal of honoring God alone with your music. Placement auditions are scheduled for Friday, May 29th. Contact me (Jacob Bernhardt, jtbernhardt2 [AT] gmail [DOT] com) or the Caswell family ( [AT] hughes [DOT] net) for more details regarding the orchestra or the auditions.