Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Attention, Christian Home-Educated Musicians!

There is a very exciting development for Christian home-schooling musicians in the Northern Illinois area.

This development will:
  • Especially benefit the Christian home-educating families of Northern Illinois.
  • Provide an opportunity for students to grow musically, while nurturing friendships and relationships.
  • Be available for not only children, but also adults who would like to participate.
  • Give students the satisfaction of being presented with a challenge, working to overcome it, and experiencing the fruits of their labors.

Any guesses yet? This exciting new development is a Christian Home-school Orchestra! With approximately eight rehearsals culminating in an end-of-the-summer concert in mid-August, this is something you should consider if you would like to join other believing home-schoolers in an enterprise with the specific goal of honoring God alone with your music. Placement auditions are scheduled for Friday, May 29th. Contact me (Jacob Bernhardt, jtbernhardt2 [AT] gmail [DOT] com) or the Caswell family ( [AT] hughes [DOT] net) for more details regarding the orchestra or the auditions.


  1. The Caswell's were just encouraging me too attend this! I'm still not sure if I will be able too come however, I think that its great that you guys are putting forth the effort and getting this going! This is something that the homeschooling musical community will greatly benefit from and I think that its wonderful that its getting started.
    May God bless all of the efforts put into it and I hope that it turns out great!

    -Dawn B. for the Family

  2. It sounds pretty neat. Wish I could play an instrument. I've time though....
    I do have a humble suggestion to make on your post. If you don't want to receive massive amounts of spam, I would suggest that you write your email like jtbernhardt2 AT gmail dot com. (Etc.) Automated spamming machines can take your email address when left in the form you have on your post, and put you on an automated email list. You may even have spyware injected into your computer via a spam. (Worst case scenario). If you have or do receive spam, it is probably not a good idea to open it. Just delete it. I hope you find this helpful.

  3. Thanks, Johann for your very helpful comment. I have taken your suggestion and welcome any further comments you have---I tend to be quite "computer-ignorant." :-)

    In Christ,
